ART Night Tonight at West Side, 5-7pm. Join us! Hot dog meals $3, crafts, choir and family fun!

Did you know ... Elkhorn is a Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Distinguished District—a recognition shared by only 25 other school districts nationwide. EASD students are introduced to STEM subjects such as computer science, biomedical science, and engineering in elementary school through PLTW Launch. In middle school, PLTW Gateway focuses on design and engineering. At the high school level, PLTW allows students to earn college credit while still enrolled in high school.

West Side PTA invites you: Friday, March 17th from 5-7pm to Fine Arts Night. Crafts, scavenger hunt, music, food and family fun! Come join us!

EASD Community Engagement is excited to offer two potentially life-saving courses in March!
On March 25, for $80, you can get AED certified at Elkhorn Area High School and learn Community First Aid and CPR.
On March 28, we're hosting a free, non-certification, Hands-Only CPR class.
Visit easdcommunity.recdesk.com to sign up!

Join the Elkhorn Area School District for an Operational Referendum Community Forum. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about what will be on your April 4 ballot and ask any questions you may have about school funding.
Monday, March 20, 2023 • 6:30 p.m. • EAHS Auditorium
Be sure to check out tinyurl.com/referendum-2023 for more information.

Reminder: There is no school on Monday, March 13, 2023. EASD faculty and staff will have an in-service day. Enjoy your long weekend.

Be sure to tune into a very special episode of the Noon Whistle on Friday, March 10. EASD's Chris Trottier and Jon Anzalone will be joined by Governor Tony Evers.
Here's how to watch: Go to www.youtube.com/@elkworks9175, click subscribe, and tune in on Friday at noon.

Calling All Three-Year-Olds! Elkhorn’s Playgroup is looking for you! This program is a playgroup consisting of five students with special needs and five typically developing students. It meets twice a week for two hours a day at Jackson Elementary School in Mrs. Kitzmiller’s classroom.
During this program, play-based learning will expose students to literacy, gross and fine motor, and language development activities. This model allows for enrichment for all children who participate in the program. Research shows that these blended classrooms provide benefits for all children who participate.
To be eligible to attend: Children should be age three by September 1, 2023, and toilet trained. Registration is limited to five students per session, and a lottery system will be utilized to determine placement. The lottery will be held on May 15, 2023, and families will be notified by May 19, 2023, if their child is selected to attend. Families of peer models will need to provide their own transportation to and from school. Playgroup Sections: Tues/Thurs 9:00-11:00 am Wed/Fri 9:00-11:00 am Tues/Wed/Thurs 1:00- 3:00 pm.
Register online at tinyurl.com/playgroup-23-24
Please contact Jill Kitzmiller at kitzji@elkhorn.k12.wi.us if you would like further information.

Bookflix is TONIGHT! Please watch your email for more details. Also, the below handout will be in your child's backpack tonight along with the snacks you may have RSVP'd for.
Go to: Link Shared in School Messenger
2. Go to present mode in the top right corner.
3. Click on any picture of a book to watch the reading! ENJOY!

Lunch Menu Update: Every Friday this month we will offer a Fish Option. Also, Wednesday, March 8th we will be having Pretzel with cheese instead of the Corn Dog on a stick.

Mark your calendars for an evening of creativity, music, concessions and the Book Fair! Join us as the PTA Presents: Fine Art Night on Friday, March 17th from 5-7 pm at West Side Elementary.

Online Registration for Summer Academy 2023 is now open!
Visit us online at tinyurl.com/EASD-Summer to view the course guide and start planning your summer.
Next, log in to your Family Access account to start the registration process. Online registration closes on March 23. All classes are on a first-come-first-served basis, so don't wait!
If you've got questions, contact Erica Bills at biller@elkhorn.k12.wi.us.

Due to the current conditions we will call school off for today, Thursday, February 23, 2023. We will be able to have buildings available for school activities and community use by 2:30 p.m.
Please check your email for more information. Stay safe!

Congratulations and welcome to Devin Gatton, who has been selected by the Elkhorn Area School District Board of Education to fill the vacant seat on our School Board.
Thank you to all of the candidates who applied to serve our community. Your willingness to volunteer your time and expertise is what truly makes us 1Herd!
Mr. Gatton has been appointed to serve on the Board of Education until April 21, 2024.

Join us in person or via Google Meet for the WS PTA meeting!
Tuesday, February 21 3:45pm (see image for link)

Happy National School Resource Officer Day to Officer Termaat!
Thank you for all you do for our students, staff, and community!

Tomorrow 2/15, is dress like a Tropical Tourist Day!

Kids Heart Challenge is On Fire!
Our students are fired up about passing the torch to teach others about heart and
brain health. We are half-way through our Kids Heart Challenge Adventure and if
you haven’t already, the time is now to join the adventure!
Frankie and the KHC Dragons are taking OUR students all around the world
to learn the importance of heart and brain health along with the rewards of
helping others and making an impact for the mission of the American Heart
Take flight by completing Finn’s Mission – just register online and
complete the challenges. Your whole family can learn Hands-Only
CPR and the Signs of Stroke. Click HERE to learn more about our heart survivor Finn.
Click the link below to join the adventure today!
Don’t forget we have some BONUS incentives for our students this year:
• Register: Get a “Be the Torch” wristband
• Complete Finn's Mission: Receive “Finn’s Lifesaver Award”
• Every $50 Raised: Receive a Mystery Gift.
• Get a “Golden Egg” Mystery Gift: Entered to win a virtual party with Finn
• Raise $150: Earn the Limited Edition “Frankie”
• Top Student: Name on Kids Heart Challenge “Wall of Fame”
Help us Reach Our School Goals:
200 Register: To Date = 107 Needed: 93
54 Complete Finn’s Mission: To Date = 11 Needed: 43
Thank you for all you do to support the mission of the American Heart Association –
together we are lighting the torch of hope for healthier generations.

Monday, February 13: Neon Day! Wear your neon colors.

The EASD Resiliency Coalition invites you to join the conversation on Wednesday, February 15, at Jackson Elementary School.
This month's conversation will focus on raising a lifelong learner. Find out what makes your child want to learn, how to keep them engaged, and how to know what makes them happy. Staff from Jackson Elementary will share their expertise with you.
Register to attend this FREE event online at https://forms.gle/bBBKJeZzJwJwxJtz7.