Special West Side Reminder: No School: Monday, October 3rd

Operation Warm is back for another round! EASD families of PK through 5th grade students are invited to stop by Jackson Elementary on Saturday, October 22 for a free winter jacket, hat, and mittens!
*Student must accompany their grown-up to receive a free coat.*
¡El programa de Operation Warm regresa para otra ronda! Las familias de EASD con estudiantes de los grados PK-5 están invitados a Jackson Elementary el sábado, 22 de octubre para recoger un abrigo de invierno, gorro y guantes.
*El estudiante tiene que estar presente para recibir un abrigo gratis.*

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27th is Picture Day!

Save the Date: West Side Veterans Day Concert, Thursday, November 10th 10:30 am.

Have you signed your team up yet? Adult volleyball (high schoolers welcome too) starts in October!
Sign up at easdcommunity.recdesk.com.

Friday, October 21st 5-6:30 PM: Mark your calendars for an evening of candy, costumes and comradery.

PTA Meeting Tonight (Tues. 9/20) 4:30pm, WS Cafeteria
PTA Popcorn Fundraiser due Tomorrow! (Wed. 9/21)

PTA Popcorn Fundraiser Forms and Payment due Wednesday, September 21st. Thank you for your participation. Every sale helps.

West Side Picture Day: Tuesday, September 27th

As we wrap up week 2 of school, we decided to share a little bit more about our new West Side educators. We are so glad you're all here!

Mark your calendar for "Set Up for Success" Night, Thursday, October 6th 5:30-6:30.

Hope Squad's "Hope Game" is this Friday's Varsity Football Game vs. Badger. During halftime they will be hosting a Miracle Minute to raise funds to help pay for Suicide Prevention Training and resources for both the High School and Middle Schools. #goelks

Save the Date! The Mini Maker Faire is back!
February 18, 2023
Interested in becoming a Maker? Or looking for more information? Visit tinyurl.com/mrkxjn6y

WS PTA Popcorn Fundraiser coming home tonight! Completed form and payment due 9/21!

Welcome Back! West Side's first day of school is Tuesday, September 6th. Drop off begins at 8:20 am.

First day of school Tuesday, September 6th. Drop off starts at 8:20 am.

Open House Tonight for Grades 1st through 5th!

Mark your calendar for Picture Day, Tuesday, September 27th

Students in grades 4K-8th are invited to register for the Elkhorn Cheer Kids Clinic.
Sign-up at tinyurl.com/easd-cheer-clinic
The clinic will take place from 5-7 p.m. on September 14th in the Cheer Gym at Elkhorn Area High School. Participants will later perform during halftime at the September 16th Varsity Football game.
The $25 registration fee includes: A two-hour cheer clinic, game admission on September 16th, a halftime performance including cheer, jumps, dance, tumbling, and stunts, and a t-shirt and bow! Families should register by September 2nd for a guaranteed t-shirt.

Annual Returning Student Registration is now open! Please log into Family Access to get started. All returning students should have Annual Registration completed before the first day of school.