Special West Side Reminder: No School: Monday, October 3rd
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
Operation Warm is back for another round! EASD families of PK through 5th grade students are invited to stop by Jackson Elementary on Saturday, October 22 for a free winter jacket, hat, and mittens! *Student must accompany their grown-up to receive a free coat.* --- ¡El programa de Operation Warm regresa para otra ronda! Las familias de EASD con estudiantes de los grados PK-5 están invitados a Jackson Elementary el sábado, 22 de octubre para recoger un abrigo de invierno, gorro y guantes. *El estudiante tiene que estar presente para recibir un abrigo gratis.*
over 2 years ago, Katie Hoffman
Children smiling in winter coats
Children smiling in winter coats
Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27th is Picture Day!
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
Picture Day
Save the Date: West Side Veterans Day Concert, Thursday, November 10th 10:30 am.
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
veterans day
Have you signed your team up yet? Adult volleyball (high schoolers welcome too) starts in October! Sign up at easdcommunity.recdesk.com.
over 2 years ago, Katie Hoffman
Volleyball and net
Friday, October 21st 5-6:30 PM: Mark your calendars for an evening of candy, costumes and comradery.
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
trunk or treat
PTA Meeting Tonight (Tues. 9/20) 4:30pm, WS Cafeteria PTA Popcorn Fundraiser due Tomorrow! (Wed. 9/21)
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
PTA Popcorn Fundraiser Forms and Payment due Wednesday, September 21st. Thank you for your participation. Every sale helps.
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
West Side Picture Day: Tuesday, September 27th
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
Picture Day
As we wrap up week 2 of school, we decided to share a little bit more about our new West Side educators. We are so glad you're all here!
over 2 years ago, Linda Beierle
Stephanie Chapman New Staff Feature
Melissa DiFazzio New Staff Feature
Cailee Beisswanger New Staff Feature
Mark your calendar for "Set Up for Success" Night, Thursday, October 6th 5:30-6:30.
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
Hope Squad's "Hope Game" is this Friday's Varsity Football Game vs. Badger. During halftime they will be hosting a Miracle Minute to raise funds to help pay for Suicide Prevention Training and resources for both the High School and Middle Schools. #goelks
over 2 years ago, Katie Hoffman
Hope Squad Minute to Win it flyer
Save the Date! The Mini Maker Faire is back! February 18, 2023 Interested in becoming a Maker? Or looking for more information? Visit tinyurl.com/mrkxjn6y
over 2 years ago, Katie Hoffman
2023 Mini Maker Faire poster with waving robot
WS PTA Popcorn Fundraiser coming home tonight! Completed form and payment due 9/21!
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
Welcome Back! West Side's first day of school is Tuesday, September 6th. Drop off begins at 8:20 am.
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
First day of school Tuesday, September 6th. Drop off starts at 8:20 am.
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
back to school
Open House Tonight for Grades 1st through 5th!
over 2 years ago, Tricia Fletcher
Open House
Mark your calendar for Picture Day, Tuesday, September 27th
over 2 years ago, Jamie Hawkins
Picture Day
Students in grades 4K-8th are invited to register for the Elkhorn Cheer Kids Clinic. Sign-up at tinyurl.com/easd-cheer-clinic The clinic will take place from 5-7 p.m. on September 14th in the Cheer Gym at Elkhorn Area High School. Participants will later perform during halftime at the September 16th Varsity Football game. The $25 registration fee includes: A two-hour cheer clinic, game admission on September 16th, a halftime performance including cheer, jumps, dance, tumbling, and stunts, and a t-shirt and bow! Families should register by September 2nd for a guaranteed t-shirt.
over 2 years ago, Katie Hoffman
Cheer Clinic Flyer - September 14, 2022
Annual Returning Student Registration is now open! Please log into Family Access to get started. All returning students should have Annual Registration completed before the first day of school. tinyurl.com/EASD-Family-Access
over 2 years ago, Katie Hoffman
Annual Returning Student Registration text on chalkboard