The Walworth County Resource Fair is an excellent opportunity to learn more about resources available to all families in our community. Join us at Lakeland School (W3905 County Road NN, Elkhorn) on Thursday, November 7, from 5-7 p.m.
5 months ago, Community Engagement
Walco Resource Fair
Walco Resource Fair
How will an Operating Referendum affect taxes? The estimated tax impact on this structured referendum would be $25 per $100,000 of property value and will increase each year for the four-year phase-in. The estimated tax impact after four years is $100 per $100,000 of property value. To calculate the estimated yearly net increase in EASD school taxes for a home worth $300,000, multiply by three (3). In year five, 2028-29, the Operational Referendum tax impact plateaus - no longer increasing but rather staying at a consistent level.
5 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Referendum Tax Impact
Good News! The picture day proof emails have been sent out. If any families have not received an email from Empire Photography and want to, please have them either call us at 608-257-2941 during normal business hours, email us at or fill out this form:
5 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
❄️Operation Warm 2024 - Free Coat, Hat, & Mittens for Elementary Students❄️ On Saturday, October 12, and Saturday, November 9, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Jackson Elementary, the Rotary Club of Elkhorn will be providing free coats, hats, and mittens to children in grades PK-5th. Be sure to bring your student with you to collect their free winter gear. -- Operation Warm de 2024 - Abrigos, gorros y mitones para los estudiantes de las escuelas primaries El sábado, 12 de octubre y el sábado, 9 de noviembre, entre las 11:00 a.m. y 2 p.m., en la escuela primaria de Jackson, el Rotary Club de Elkhorn regalará abrigos, gorros de invierno y mitones a los niños del PK hasta el quinto grado. Asegúrese de llevar a su estudiante consigo para recoger sus prendas de invierno gratuitas.
5 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Operation Warm
Operation Warm
Special Reminder: Popcorn Fundraiser Pick Up TODAY! Now-5PM
5 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
PTA Fundraiser Popcorn Pick Up: Thursday, October 3rd After School until 5PM.
5 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
The Elkhorn Area School District will ask voters to consider an Operational Referendum on November 5, 2024. Learn more about the referendum at and plan on attending our Community Information Meeting on Monday, October 21, at 6 p.m. at the High School.
5 months ago, Community Engagement
Referendum Information Meeting
Hello West Side Families, Three weeks in and we already have a lot to celebrate! First, our PTA popcorn fundraiser was a success!! Families and staff sold 998 tubs of popcorn!! Great job Wildcat Families!! The popcorn pick up date will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Next, we have picture day tomorrow, Thursday, September 26. Please use this link to pre-order your student’s picture package, there are no paper order forms this year. We welcome back the Online West Side Spirit Store! Now through Friday, October 11th the Online Spirit Store will be open for families to order West Side apparel. Here is the link to the shop. And finally, the West Side PTA is preparing for our upcoming Family Fall Fest on Friday, October 18th. We are requesting donations of prepackaged candy, so if you are able, please add it to your shopping list. We are also looking for volunteers to decorate their trunk for the Trunk-or-Treat! This is a great opportunity to show off your Halloween creativity! Please use this link to sign up. If you have any questions, please visit our facebook page or contact the office at 262-723-3297.
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
GREAT NEWS! Our Spirit Wear Store is OPEN from today through Friday, October 11th!
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
Picture Day is this THURSDAY!!
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
❄️Operation Warm 2024 - Free Coat, Hat, & Mittens for Elementary Students❄️ On Saturday, October 12, and Saturday, November 9, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Jackson Elementary, the Rotary Club of Elkhorn will be providing free coats, hats, and mittens to children in grades PK-5th. Be sure to bring your student with you to collect their free winter gear. -- Operation Warm de 2024 - Abrigos, gorros y mitones para los estudiantes de las escuelas primaries El sábado, 12 de octubre y el sábado, 9 de noviembre, entre las 11:00 a.m. y 2 p.m., en la escuela primaria de Jackson, el Rotary Club de Elkhorn regalará abrigos, gorros de invierno y mitones a los niños del PK hasta el quinto grado. Asegúrese de llevar a su estudiante consigo para recoger sus prendas de invierno gratuitas.
6 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Operation Warm
Operation Warm
Pre Order your student's pictures and save some money on shipping and handling. Order before Thursday, September 26, use the link below...
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
Order your YEARBOOK before October 31st and SAVE 10%!
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
Join us for the first PTA Meeting, Tues. 9/17 at 3:45pm, Trail Mix Party, bring a snack to pass.
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
Hello West Side Families, The PTA kicked off the school year with the Rural Route 1 Popcorn Fundraiser. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to look through the order form. Rural Route 1 Popcorn offers delectable snacks in a wide assortment of “ready-to-eat” flavors. The popcorn is the perfect gift for any occasion. Funds raised will directly support West Side activities such as family fun nights, assemblies and field trips. Please make checks payable to: West Side Elementary PTA. All forms must be turned in by Friday, September 20. Thank you for supporting West Side PTA!
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
The West Side PTA is hosting a popcorn fundraiser to raise money for assemblies, special events and school-wide activities for West Side students. Forms went home with students, if you have any questions, please contact the office at 262-723-3297. Thanks for your support.
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
Mark your Calendar for Thursday, September 26th: West Side Picture Day!
6 months ago, Jamie Hawkins
picture day
Have you completed Annual Returning Student Registration yet? If not, please login to your Family Access account to get started. Have questions or need assistance? Contact your school directly or call the District Registrar at 262-741-9138. The Middle School is hosting a Registration Assistance event on August 15 from 5-6:30 p.m. All EASD families are welcome.
7 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Annual Returning Student Registration Now Open
Set your alarm! Payton Jacobson takes to the mat at 4 a.m. on Wednesday, August 7! Match two will be at 11:15 a.m., and he'll return on August 8 at 4 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Let's all tune in to let Payton know he's got the entire Herd behind him! Visit to learn more about how to watch!
7 months ago, Katie Hoffman
EAHS Alum Payton Jacobson has arrived in Paris and is getting fitted with all his Team USA gear! Good luck, Payton! You have the entire Herd behind you!
8 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Payton 1
Payton 2
Payton 3